26 November 2008

Laissez les bon temps rouler! Again!

After a pancake breakfast in our abode, we wandered down to the French Quarter. We made our long-anticipated stop at Cafe du Monde for some coffee and beignets, explored the shops along Decatur Street, watched the ships make their way down the Ole Miss, and enjoyed listening to some street musicians in Jackson Square. After a fantastic bowl of gumbo, we headed for home for more board games and movies!


The National Scribe said...

looks like a fun trip. i love the new picture you put up as your header. very colorful. happy thanksgiving!

Connie said...

Great pictures! Love the sepia effect on the one of the musicians -- looks like an authentic antique picture. And the one of the kids standing outside is really good also.

Glad you are having a good time. What do the kids think of New Orleans? And what are you doing for Thanksgiving?