30 September 2007

What better way....

... to end September than go-carting at Lil 500?

20 September 2007

Hitting Autism out of the Park.

On Saturday, September 29, Uncle Heath will be a participant in the Island Slow Pitch Homerun Derby. All proceeds from this event will be given to Autism Speaks, an organization that is dedicated to raising awareness, expanding scientific research, and ultimately finding a cure for this disorder that effects at least 1 out of 150 children in our country. Heath is hoping to be able to present the Derby organizers with even more donations. If you can help, please email Heath at htslider11@aol.com - he will let you know where you can send your donation. Also, I know that many of you who visit our planet live out on Long Island - PLEASE go out to the Ducks stadium and support Heath on Saturday! You must buy a ticket, but remember, the proceeds are going to an excellent place.

Thanks so much to Heath and to all who donate.

18 September 2007

11 September 2007

September Eleventh.


by Suzanne Vega

Fall and all attendant memories
Crowd the day with unrelated histories
Each year leaves its unresolving fantasies
To hang around each corner
Hang around each street.

Thick with ghosts, the wind whips round in circuitries
Carrying words as strangers exchange pleasantries
Do they intrude upon your private reveries
As they meet you on each corner
Meet you on each street.

Watch for daily braveries
Notice newfound courtesies
Finger sudden legacies
As they clean up every corner
Wash down every street.

Mark the month and all it’s anniversaries
Put away the draft of all your eulogies
Clear the way for all your private memories
As they meet you on each corner
Meet you on every street.

Make the time for all your possibilities.
They live on every street.

07 September 2007

Zoo pals!

Now I can't get that commercial out of my head... "zoo, zoo, zoo pals. zoo, zoo zoo pals..." Oh, well - anyway, Will and I took a nice stroll around the Central Florida Zoological Park while the kids were at school yesterday. We basically had the whole place to ourselves - if only they had turned down the heat a little it would have been perfect!