26 July 2005

Godspeed, Discovery!

Back to the beach! We headed back to Cape Canaveral National Seashore today to witness the launch of the US Space Shuttle Discovery. We headed for the tip of the seashore, where there is a view of the launchpad, but by the time we got there, the parking lots were full. We ended up on Bethune Beach on the Atlantic Ocean, probably 30 miles north of Kennedy Space Center as the crow flies. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The beach was crowded with onlookers, and we listened to the final countdown on the radio. The crowds erupted into cheers as the shuttle blasted off. We were able to follow it's ascent over the ocean for about 3 or 4 minutes before it disappeared from view. It was a great day, and we are all proud to have witnessed a bit of history!

24 July 2005

What to do when there is nothing to do. And 104 in the shade.

Sit out in the heat and peddle iced tea!

UPDATE: our little businesswomen have declared that one half of their earnings will be donated to The Humane Society.

16 July 2005

We Heart Willy Wonka and Harry Potter!

What a weekend! Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka followed by the release of the new Harry Potter book!! Yessss! I took Leah and my niece Ashley to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night - and afterward the girls had an inexplicable craving for chocolate, so we went in to Barnes & Noble for some Godiva and the Midnight Harry Potter Party was in full swing! Both Ashley & I left without buying the book, since our preordered copies were due to arrive from Amazon today... and although I have not yet begun (read: Will is still up!), here is a note found on Ashley's door...

13 July 2005


No go for launch! We drove out to the beach today to see the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery... but it was scrubbed with about 2 hours or so on the clock. Looks like Monday. The day was not a loss, however - the weather turned out to be beautiful, and we had a great day on the beach. We are lucky to have supernice friends with a beachfront condo - lots of people were stuck for hours in heavy traffic getting out to Titusville. We hope to get back out there for the launch next week!

Strange, but true: for some reason, the Florida Atlantic Ocean now looks like the Caribbean Sea! People who live on the beach say it has been like this since the hurricanes. There is also a difference in the sand - it is not really sand anymore... it is very grainy, with zillions of tiny crushed-up shells.

09 July 2005

The View From Here...

As Dennis races up the coast... we will be getting some outer bands; we are currently under a tornado watch. Seems like typical Florida weather, though!

John's New Baby!

The newest addition to our Honda Family - the Ridgeline! John is not sure how to drive a pickup without a snowplow attached... but we are working on it!!

07 July 2005

Our Most Faithful Friend...

Our hearts are in London today.

05 July 2005

Photos from the Fourth!

Will and Ethan! Posted by Picasa

Leah sparkles... Posted by Picasa

American kids! Posted by Picasa

Pix from the Fourth 2005! Posted by Picasa

Happy Independence Day!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Fourth! We had a great time here with friends and family, swimming and fireworking... and eating plenty of seafood boil and grilled Culver duck!!

Strange but Cool Fireworks Pictures!

We didn't want to fight the crowds to see official fireworks - so we had our own show instead! We had to wait for some rain to pass, but it was quite a display! Here are some pix...

01 July 2005

Best Passer!

Jack just finished up a week at Anthony Bowie's Basketball Camp. Anthony Bowie is a former Orlando Magic player. Jack did a great job, and won the camp's Best Passer award!! You GO, Jack!!