22 February 2007

Planet Challenge: BROTHERS

OK, so I am sure we all know by now the PINK happy news from tia and ryan! It is funny, though, that everyone would agree that the news is extra exciting because, well, it is so unusual! Girls don't seem to come easily to the Terry family! (although when they do, they certainly come with more than their fair share of cuteness and personality!)

In light of this, this week's challenge shouldn't be too hard... let's see photos of BROTHERS! Show us the brotherly love! Share an amusing, embarrassing anecdote about your brother!

Here are mine...

And here is a classic of John and his brothers... as John tells it, he had just humiliated them (again) in Scrabble...

And here are two more:

Has it really been a year since...

...this post?

20 February 2007

Bored with your Girl Scout cookies?

Then here is an fun article I found in our Orlando Sentinel!

15 February 2007

Challenge #2: Acrostic Poetry.

OK, so for this week's challenge, take pictures of things you love.

Too easy? OK - here's the catch: the first letters of each thing must spell your first name. Get it?

And..... GO!

UPDATED: Great job to all who completed the challenge! (Check 'em out: Leah's Den, New Calebnation, Terry Tribune, kwol's generation, Little Hornez) Here's mine:

UPDATED AGAIN: For more challenge fun, go to Ashley's site...

A is for ART.

M is for MY MAC.

Y is for YULE!

13 February 2007

We're Back!

We had a great time down at Disney these past few days! We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and visited all 4 parks... Jack and Leah conquered every roller coaster there was, including Rock-n-Roller Coaster, Space Mountain, AND Expedition Everest! I am sure Leah will have more pictures and thoughts over at her piece of the web... for now, here are a few shots!

The Lodge:

Magic Kingdom:

Animal Kingdom:


Hidden Mickeys!

While we visited all the Disney parks this weekend, we became a little obsessed with "Hidden Mickeys." Hidden Mickeys, as some of you diehard Mouseketeers may know, are little Mickey Mouse icons found hidden in various spots on Disney property - in the architecture, landscaping, etc. The scavenger hunt adds a whole new dimension to the parks! See if you can find the Hidden Mickeys we found! (We found about 30, there are about 500+!)

10 February 2007

The Dancing Queens.

Last night Leah & Jack attended their school's Valentine's Dance. Leah has posted some of her own shots on her blog. Jack and his friends formed "The Chaos Team" - a club only for "cool" 5th graders who did not want to bring girls to the dance. Their mission - create "chaos" at the dance by breakdancing during slow songs, voting for boys to be the princess of the dance, and eating as many cookies as possible. I think they succeeded... they both had a lot of fun and are looking forward to the next dance!

08 February 2007

Planet Challenge: RED.

Ok, so we were brainstorming some ways to make blogging a little more fun, and interactive. And we figured, everyone loves a challenge! Right, people? Bueller? So we decided to post a weekly challenge. We will post the week's theme, say, on Thursdays, and then you will have a week to post your take on it. If you do not have a blog, and wish to post to the challenge, email it to me and I will post it here. Remember, you can attack the challenge in any way you want - post photos, tell a story or memory, write a poem, link to a relevant website, etc. It's all in fun and hopefully a way to get thinking about things we may not normally think about! OK? so, here is challenge #1...

In honor of Valentine's Day, our theme this week is......


Here are some photos I took for the occasion, to get us started....

Have fun, people, and be creative!!
BTW, there is a challenge over at newcalebnation as well... post father/child pix!!

06 February 2007

Happy Day!

Leah has updated her blog!

05 February 2007

Super Sunday.

We spent a fun Superbowl Sunday over on the hill.
Jack's team won, so it was all good!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day as well!