26 April 2007

The Mojo's Risin'...

Had a chance to take a quick ride up the river last night - always feels good to dust off the boat and spend some quality outdoor time together!


Anonymous said...

Livin' the life!

What river is that? Looks so calm.

BTW, I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm not jeal.... Wait. Yes, I am.

thedollymama said...

st. johns river... one of the world's "laziest" rivers, (hence the calm) and one of the world's few that flow north...

karen said...

Was Leah in "no photo" mode?

thedollymama said...

what, don't you see her in the top photo? she graciously agreed to allowing her shoes in the shot...

the editor said...

so nice! we're gettin' lots of rain today.