02 September 2006

What color is the sky in your world?

Tonight's sunset.

**BONUS TRIVIA QUESTION: The title of this post is a classic quote from a popular 80's sitcom. What is the name of the show, what character said it, and to whom?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Can't believe the color.

Frasier to Cliff

Ashley said...

wow our sunset was pink.. never been purple. thats pretty cool glad too pics!

oh, and are we allowed to google that answer :) i should get googling rights i wasnt here in the 80's =(

The National Scribe said...

is the first guess right? Beautiful sky, it never gets old to see a gorgeous sky!

thedollymama said...

Wow! Nice job on the trivia. I thought that would stump people. Yes - Fraser Crane to Cliff Clavin on Cheers.

I have to say that Florida has great sunsets, but this one was pretty awesome!