21 September 2006

The One Where Will Goes to School.

Big day for the Willis... he started preschool today! He will be going on Tuesday and Thursday mornings - he went in today, headed right for the toys, and didn't look back! His teacher, Miss Aura, said they will be painting, playing at the water table, and maybe even do some shaving cream-finger painting today! I think he is going to have a blast!

**UPDATED... blast was indeed had! There were two pictures that Will painted hanging up in the classroom, and his teacher said he had a great day!


the editor said...

Wow! Way to go Will! Hope you have a great year in pre-school!

Connie said...

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
I love you, Will, and I'm so proud of you!


Anonymous said...

enjoy your first year of pre-school Will. And remember, stay away from the smelly kid, (he eats glue).

Anonymous said...

What? Heath is back in school?