02 September 2008

For anyone planning a Florida trip in the near future.

You may want to bring a poncho.


Connie said...

Sure will be interesting these next few weeks.

Did you have any effects from Gustav? They say we are having rough surf due to Hanna. Great for surfers, not so good for swimmers...

thedollymama said...

Not really, no Gustav effect. Hanna looks like a different story!

The National Scribe said...

this is silly... talk about an active hurricane season...this is going to be interesting...

the editor said...


Connie said...

Well, it looks as though Hanna is going to miss you all, but Ike, now that looks like it could be a problem. Cat 4 and headed your way! Any word from your end on that?

thedollymama said...

Yeah, Ike is looking not so good! Looks like you all may see some Hanna. Of course I have stopped listening to the local news, because EVERY storm is "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

So we just take it day by day!

The National Scribe said...

it's not looking too good for our trip...it most likely will be postponed until early december...