10 May 2007

Givin' Our Regards...

to Broadway!
Leah and Jack performed in their school's Spring Show today. Each class performed a song and dance routine from a Broadway show. Leah takes a Musical Theater class, so she was in several of the numbers. Can you guess from the photos which shows they were in?


Anonymous said...

So glad to have been able to attend the show -- it was really great and all the kids did a super job!

(I'd guess, but I have a program...;))

the editor said...

OK, I'm guessing Grease, Beauty and the Beast, and Dream Girls. I don't know the first one although I imagine I should.

Good job, Leah and Jack!

thedollymama said...

Good guesses! Yes to Grease - "We Go Together" and Yes to Beauty & the Beast - "Be Our Guest." But No to Dreamgirls, although I see why you would think that! Funny, I just remembered last night that I sang We Go Together in our 5th grade show. Wish I had a video of that!

The National Scribe said...

I was going to guess the same as carolyn.

Nice Job Leah and Jack!

the editor said...

so what was the first one?

thedollymama said...

the first one was the song, "give our regards to broadway" and the last one was "luck be a lady" from guys and dolls.

the editor said...

i figured that was the first one but then thought that would be too obvious given the title of your post. never had a chance with the last one though! i always thought it was 3 guys singing that one.

thedollymama said...

yeah, the guys below them are singing, the girls are just twirling around!

the editor said...

ah, yes. must remember to enlarge the picture next time! :)