06 August 2006

And a new bike was had by all. UPDATED

Jack's turn!

Before we left for SC last week, I got a new bike with a seat for Will on the back. We plan to hit the many bike trails that have sprung up around central Florida, and perhaps enter a few organized bike rides. Meanwhile, Leah decided that the little pink bike with the basket on the handlebars is not a good fit for a cool middle-schooler. We gave it to a neighbor whose 4 year-old daughter is big into the pretty-pink-princess stage, and then yesterday, John took Leah to the bike shop where she picked out a pretty blue hybrid - and John managed to find one he liked as well. So, it looks like we are in for some family bike rides!


Connie said...

Leah, that is one awesomely great looking bike. I love the color you chose! And it sure looks like Will is all set to go. Have fun!

(It's weird that you are getting into the bike thing. Sean has been talking about planning a family bike outing as soon as the heat lets up around here. I know, I know, you guys think we're all big babies moaning about the heat...)

the editor said...

I don't think you're a big baby! It was hotter here than it was when we were in Fla! We'd totally be into a family bike outing! Rachael loves riding on the back of my bike (as long as there are no enraged swans around!) and Tom and the boys like bike rides too! Enjoy your new bikes, Mancusos!

The National Scribe said...

caleb has never been on a bike. does that make me a bad mother, or maybe just lazy :)

we do go for walks though.

the editor said...

I don't think it makes you a bad mother or lazy. He's still pretty young. I only put Rachael on a bike for the first time last summer so she was already over a year old.

thedollymama said...

yeah, i think they are supposed to be a year old before they should ride in the baby seat. They have to have really good neck muscles, due to the added weight of the helmet and the jostling he will experience on the ride. When he gets older, you should try it, though - they seem to really enjoy it! Maybe Santa should bring Caleb a baby bike seat this year!

the editor said...

I was wondering about poor 'ole Jack! Glad to see you didn't get left out! You know middle child syndrome and all that!!;)

Connie said...

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing! Jack looks pretty pleased with his purchase -- how about a picture of the parents with their new wheels?

thedollymama said...

Needn't worry about poor ole Jack... he does have a pretty cool BMX bike! Although we felt that while that was good for doing tricks and being cool and whatnot, he probably would not be able to keep up with all of us on our big-wheels! We are going to be hitting the trails this weekend - hope to take some pix then!

Connie said...

CAn't wait to see pictures of the Bikin' Mancusos!