Today, Art Class at the Mancuso Homeschool Academy (both branches) was held at Plaster-rific!, where Leah, Jack, and Andy each painted their piece with great care and remarkable talent. Even though we had our times mixed up and arrived about 45 minutes before they opened, the super-nice owner (and smart businesswoman) let us come in and have the place to ourselves!

On another note, we would like to say hi to Daddy, who is in NY helping Grandma and Uncle Ed celebrate their birthdays. We miss you! Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Oh, I love Plaster-rific!! Can we see some pictures of the finished masterpieces?
Happy Birthday, Irene!
that looks like fun. where was will?
Will was safely strapped in his stroller, observing - I thought about letting him paint, but he was more interested in being that proverbial bull in that proverbial china shop if you catch my drift...
Thanks for showing us the end result of the artists at work. They all did a great job!
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