I am thankful that I live in America. I am grateful that America is a republic, NOT a democracy. I wish more people understood and embraced the difference. I am thankful for the rag-tag people of 1776 who dared question the authority of their government, who refused to adhere to the religion set forth by that government, who refused to hand their taxes over to a government that didn't care about the interests of the minority... for this we call them PATRIOTS.
I am thankful that Florida has pretty darn good homeschooling laws.
I am thankful for good friends. I am even thankful for the not-so-good ones, because they make the good ones even more special.
I am thankful for art. Creativity. Imagination. And for the opportunity and ability to use all three whenever we want.
I am thankful for Jim & Karen - today we get to eat a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner and I don't even have to clean my house!
I am thankful for books, my camera, my ipod, my Keens sandals, Barnes & Noble, jeans, Jon Stewart (and that I no longer wet my pants when I laugh), our boat life, paper, blogs, and water.
And of course, my family. Each member, in their own way, has contributed to my appreciation of everything I have just mentioned and more. On planet mancuso, everything is illuminated.
I love you, Amy.
Right back at ya.
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