So yesterday we told the kids that we were going to drive over to Daytona Beach because while Daddy was there for work, he found "something fun we would like" and he wanted to take us there. We pulled into Halifax Harbor Marina... I told them that Daddy wanted to walk around the docks and look at the boats (this was not hard to believe, we do it all the time). So, we all walked down the dock, pointing out cool boats, etc. Then when we got to the last one, a Sea Ray 260 Sundancer, John said, "Hey, do you guys see anyone around here?"
"No," the kids said, glancing around.
"Then let's sneak on this boat and check it out," Daddy said.
"What are you crazy? Noooooo!"
John jumped onto the boat. The kids' eyes grew bigger and they started to back away from the boat. "Daddy! Get off of there! What are you doing???"
"C'mon, it's OK... no one will know," I said.
"We do NOT know you!! Stop!" Leah and Jack, horrified, turn around and head for the car.
"Wait! Come back! Get on this boat right now!!" we said.
"No way!! You are both crazy!"
Finally, we convinced them to at least come closer so they could read the red tag that was clipped to the boat. What a coincidence! It says, "MANCUSO"!
"Ohhhhhhhhhh! This is OUR boat!??!!??" Horror turns to disbelief, then to realization, then to glee.
Yes it is!
Sheesh, you guys! Congratulations and many days of happy and safe boating!
Congratulations! Heres to many happy and wonferful memories for all of you. She's a beauty, we can't wait to see her and of course all of you in November.
The Albers
congratulations and Bon Voyage! Happy sailing!
Aunt Karen & Jodie
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