29 July 2008

All stuffed with fluff.

After Joshua was born, we hightailed it to the Smith Haven Mall to create a Build-A-Bear for our new cousin. Will had never been, so he enjoyed the experience of stuffing, fluffing, and dressing the Joshua Bear!


Connie said...

That was fun. Who doesn't love Build-A-Bear? Maybe next time we'll have to let Will make one for himself!

the editor said...

we've never been to build a bear. we took the boys to the Vermont Teddy bear co. a while back though and that was fun. i bet Rachael would like to do that one of these days.

The National Scribe said...

you should take Rachael to Libby Lu, across from build-a-bear. i'm not sure if you get to make something there or you dress up yourself but it is bright pink and it calls to little girls.