1. With his team down 12-0 in the first quarter, who scored the first touchdown for the Patriots?
A. Mickey Mouse
B. Jack
C. some other kid on the team
2. Who intercepted the Saints' pass and ran in a touchdown to bring his team ahead 18-12?
A. Tinkerbell
B. Jack
C. some other kid on the team
3. Who caught an amazing, way-over-his-head pass in the end zone for the extra point, bringing his team's lead to 19-12?
A. Spiderman
B. Jack
C. some other kid on the team
Yes, the Bs have it! Jack played a fantastic game which came down to that extra point! They play in one more playoff game next Saturday, the winner of which goes to the Superbowl!
whoo hoo, Jack!! way to play the game, man!
good job, jack!
Man, Jack, you are the man!
Way to go Jack! We know you will make it to the Superbowl! We are proud of you Mr. MVP!
You da bomb Jackie!
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