11 September 2007

September Eleventh.


by Suzanne Vega

Fall and all attendant memories
Crowd the day with unrelated histories
Each year leaves its unresolving fantasies
To hang around each corner
Hang around each street.

Thick with ghosts, the wind whips round in circuitries
Carrying words as strangers exchange pleasantries
Do they intrude upon your private reveries
As they meet you on each corner
Meet you on each street.

Watch for daily braveries
Notice newfound courtesies
Finger sudden legacies
As they clean up every corner
Wash down every street.

Mark the month and all it’s anniversaries
Put away the draft of all your eulogies
Clear the way for all your private memories
As they meet you on each corner
Meet you on every street.

Make the time for all your possibilities.
They live on every street.


Anonymous said...

Very appropriate. Where did you find it?

Six years. Hard to believe. Seems like yesterday.

the editor said...

Six years.
As a kid I was somewhat amazed that my mom knew exactly where she was when she heard that Kennedy had been shot. Now I get it.
May we always remember.

The National Scribe said...

is that a song or a poem?

thedollymama said...

It is a song on Suzanne Vega's newest album. The song (and several others) were written specifically for 9/11.