A few months ago, John and Jack had fun ripping out the old, falling apart cabinets and broken jenn-air out on the patio. We made plans to replace the old with a new "summer kitchen" and it is finally complete! We have eaten out there every night since its completion, and even had some friends over to help break it in. Anyway, we are happy with the way it turned out, so I thought i would share some before and after shots!

Hip hip hooray! It looks beautiful, very nice. Can't wait to eat out there myself. I'd be out there for every meal!
whoa! who needs disney when your backyard looks like that?
yayy its done!!
it looks great!!
Very nice! I guess Tom will have to use the back door. Can't wait to enjoy it with you.
Niiiice! How are the bugs? That's what I don't like about eating outside. I'd need one of those linae (sp) things.
i always forget to enlarge the picture before i write my comment. looks like it is screen enclosed!
Thanks! and yes, it is screened in, so no bugs (usually).
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