14 April 2007

We interrupt this blog for TWO important announcements.

My friend and neighbor Cindy Rawlins (you may know her as Olivia's mom, LOL) has pledged to walk SIXTY miles in the Breast Cancer 3-Day in Tampa Bay, Florida. She is hoping to raise $3,000. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. This is such a great cause and quite the undertaking on Cindy's part! If you would like to donate, click this link to reach Cindy's 3-Day webpage. Thank you!

From Ali's blog:

Autism Speaks created a music video of the Five for Fighting song, "World", which features images of autistic children and their families. It is a truly moving video and was the work of Bill Shea. The band is generously donating $0.49 to Autism Speaks for each time the video is viewed - the funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass it along to your friends and family. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them to surpass this goal.

To view the video, click here.

By the way, Ali and Autism Speaks DID win the Six Degrees contest!

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.


the editor said...

hey, sorry but this doesn't have to do with this post but where have the albers disappeared to? they haven't been posting lately. is everything OK?

thedollymama said...

oh, yeah, they are good - just lazy.*

*trying to incite a blog post from the albers...

The National Scribe said...

I just watched the viewing and saw that there are 120545 views. That pretty awesome.

thedollymama said...

wow, i guess they surpassed the 10,000 goal! awesome!

Anonymous said...

seeing as yourspeaking of marathons...

i was wondering if you would help me out, my friends and i are participating in the Revlon Run/walk for womens cancers.
We're walking with my friend Katie's family on a team called "Berthas Best" in memory of Katies grandmother who died of cancer in 2005
i was wondering if you could post the link for online donations...


Ashley said...

60 miles?
wow kodos to ms rawlins