Last night, Leah, Jack, Andy and I went to Otronicon, "Orlando's Ultimate Video Game Experience", held for 10 days at the Orlando Science Center.

It was Gamer Heaven. Wall-to-wall games, live competition, simulation demos, digital art gallery... but we all agreed that the most fun was Videotopia's Classic Arcade Games. It was very educational for the kids to see firsthand how their parents lived through the pioneer days. Pac-Man, Centipede, Tron, Space Invaders, even Pong! They did love playing the game that spawned the great Mario... Donkey Kong! They had a display showing the history of video games, complete with actual game systems.
The kids were very impressed when I pointed out Colecovision,

the game we had as kids, and Intellevision, the game my cousins had. Of course, Atari was the most popular, but we Terry's never bowed to peer pressure... our games were way better graphically, plus, you could actually play Atari games on the Colecovision... but I digress...

So, we did have fun, and look forward to the weekend, when cousin Adam will be competing for big bucks on the

IMAX screen!
Thanks for taking Andrew he had so much fun.
See you Sat. Good luck in your game Jack! Play BIG.
Ah, yes! The good old days...
Did I ever tell you about the video games we had when I was little? No? Hmmmh?
Glad you had fun!
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