Flat Stanley meets the Senator! Today we took Flat Sam Stanley to see The Senator, a roughly 140 foot tall bald cypress tree in Longwood - possibly the tallest bald cypress in the USA. Guess how old this tree is! If you guessed 3500 years old - you're right! BTW, in case you haven't heard of Flat Sam Stanley, allow us to introduce you - Flat S.S. was sent to us by cousin Sam, whose 2nd grade class is learning about the United States. Our job is to show FSS a good time, while teaching him and Sam's class about our state!

I wonder if Flat Sam Stanley has ever met Flat Leah? And BTW, whatever happened to Flat Jack? I never heard anything about him...
Since about 50% of my classmates were headed to NY... I decided to go to South Carolina! Flat Jack
A smart decision, however we did miss seeing you! :(
Maybe some day Flat Will will come for a visit...
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