31 January 2008

Excitement Alert!

That's right, people. We here on planet mancuso cannot go to long without some sort of adventure! So today Will and I ventured out to the new & exciting.... drumroll, please..... splash park at the Zoo! Woohoo! Actually, it was pretty fun, and nearly empty which makes all the difference. Come summer, this place will be a zoo. Figuratively. And literally!

Just because I haven't posted in awhile.

Leah & I spent Sunday night in Miami since she had her post-op check-up on Monday (everything looks great!). I spent a little quality time with my camera, so here are some shots off our balcony. Hopefully things will become more exciting soon so I can make some interesting posts!

17 January 2008

Race Update:

People, if you are interested in viewing the professional shots of the race, click here: asi photos and type mancuso into the search field.

11 January 2008

Jungle run!

They did it! John, Leah & Jack ran the Disney 5k at Animal Kingdom this morning. The most amazing thing about it was the fact that Leah & Jack were awake at the start line at 6:15am!

09 January 2008

Big day at our house!

Jack cleans out his backpack.

01 January 2008

Gator Surfing.

Yesterday we decided to ring out 2007 with a quick trip to Gatorland, a Florida icon we had not yet explored.

And, if anyone is bored of their Christmas tree ornaments and ready for a change, check out the innovative design of Gatorland's own Christmas Tree! Crushed beer cans! (The gold-colored Michelob can is a must-do for a truly festive holiday season!

Happy 2008, everyone! May the road rise up to met you.