18 May 2007

She's in!

Big day for Leah today! She and a few classmates were formally inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. After a formal candle lighting ceremony honoring the qualities one must show to obtain membership in NJHS (scholarship, leadership, citizenship), each inductee was called to the stage to receive the official certificate and pin. Following the ceremony, kids and parents were treated to a great lunch! We are proud of you, Leah!

10 May 2007

Givin' Our Regards...

to Broadway!
Leah and Jack performed in their school's Spring Show today. Each class performed a song and dance routine from a Broadway show. Leah takes a Musical Theater class, so she was in several of the numbers. Can you guess from the photos which shows they were in?

08 May 2007

Ta Da!

Jack has made it to eleven!

05 May 2007

Bridge to the Future!

Leah and her Girl Scout Troop celebrated their accomplishments last night with a Bridging Ceremony. The girls earned their Bronze Award this year, which is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn. They then "bridged" from Juniors to Cadettes. You GO, girls!!

04 May 2007

Banquet of the Sports.

Last night we attended the Sports Banquet at the kids' school, where Jack picked up a certificate and trophy for basketball.

More pix on the Flicker badge!