Anyway, one of the blogs I have visited daily for several years is written by an artist/scrapbooker/mom/all-around cool chick named ali edwards. About two years ago, her then three-year-old son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has added a badge to her site that allows you to donate to Autism Speaks.
As you probably all know, Will has also been diagnosed with ASD. In the 1970s, 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with Autism. Current studies show that today, about 1 in 150 children will be diagnosed with ASD. That is an increase of 6,000%. It is an epidemic and quite frankly unacceptable. Organizations such as Autism Speaks are working hard to discover causes and cures so that we can put an end to it.
I thought about putting my own badge on here (and I may do so in the future); however, I went ahead and put Ali's on for now. See, the generosity of Kevin Bacon continues: the top 6 badges on March 31 will win matching grants (up to $10,000) from Bacon personally. And believe it or not, Ali's badge is currently in the top position. I think this shows just how many families are affected by Autism. If we can keep it up until next Friday, Autism Speaks will get the money Ali has raised PLUS $10,000 PLUS some time in the spotlight. So, if you feel inclined, please donate to Autism Speaks through the badge above. The contest is won by number of donors, not amount raised. The minimum donation is $10. Thank you so much.