29 September 2006

The game that wasn't.

Jack was scheduled to have his first flag football game tonight, however, it was canceled at the last minute due to some Brazilian soccer players taking over the field. Anyway, I managed to get a few shots of Jack and Tommy in their jerseys. The girls didn't mind leaving early - they really wanted to get back to trying to con me into taking them to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios (not in a million years, my prittys...).

27 September 2006

26 September 2006

Day two!

Will finished his second day of preschool today - and brought home 4 pieces of artwork that he created there! He is obviously quite talented.

Reed this!

He's here! Say hello to Reed Parker Terry, newest little guy in the Terry family, firstborn son of Sean and Lisha. He was born yesterday, 9/25, and weighed in at 9lbs, 2 oz. Congrats to all, and we can't wait to meet you, Reed - see you in 17 days!

For more info and photos, visit cbythesea.

24 September 2006

Sunday Matinee.

The kids are hard at work with their next film project. This picture is rumored to have a Halloween theme - something about the toys coming alive and scaring everyone.

21 September 2006

The One Where Will Goes to School.

Big day for the Willis... he started preschool today! He will be going on Tuesday and Thursday mornings - he went in today, headed right for the toys, and didn't look back! His teacher, Miss Aura, said they will be painting, playing at the water table, and maybe even do some shaving cream-finger painting today! I think he is going to have a blast!

**UPDATED... blast was indeed had! There were two pictures that Will painted hanging up in the classroom, and his teacher said he had a great day!

18 September 2006

Music to my ears...

"Hey, mom? How about a haircut?"

14 September 2006

Why be normal?

Seriously, why?

07 September 2006


Today the kids took the bikes to the street for recess. I have been experimenting in my digital darkroom - lately I have been enjoying blowing out the colors on my shots... I think it is a cool effect, although I am sure I will change my mind after awhile.

04 September 2006


We here on planet mancuso are saddened by the passing of the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. Steve, you were one of the good ones.

Here's to living each day to it's fullest.

"I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message." SI

03 September 2006

Photo of the Day.

We were this close to ripping one of our new pear trees out of the ground - every single leaf had turned brown and fallen off, and the thing looked about as dead as can be. Then, a few mornings ago I looked out the window and saw one little white flower blooming on one of the branches! Upon closer examination, we found many many buds on the tree. So I guess it is alive after all! This guy seems to think so as well...

02 September 2006

What color is the sky in your world?

Tonight's sunset.

**BONUS TRIVIA QUESTION: The title of this post is a classic quote from a popular 80's sitcom. What is the name of the show, what character said it, and to whom?