One thing we are able to do with home schooling is learn about and appreciate art. We choose one artist each week and study his/her life, times, and artwork. So it was extra thrilling to viist the National Gallery of Art in DC and see some of the original paintings done by the Masters that we have learned about. It was actually quite moving to see the original
Ginevra de' Benci, Leonardo di Vinci's
only painting on permanent display in the United States. Leonardo (as Jack refers to him) painted it in 1474 - it is over 500 years old and is still absolutely gorgeous. It was great to see Leah and Jack recognize the artists and their styles, and I am so proud that they care! The photos here show the aforementioned da Vinci, van Gogh's
Self-Portrait, and Mary Cassat's
The Boating Party. We also visited the collections of Monet, Renoir, Rembrandt, and Degas, to name a few.